Yes, all donations to “Dream N Achieve” are tax-deductible per IRS guidelines for a donation to registered 501(c)(3).

You should receive an email from donations@dreamnachieve.us within 5 business days after your donation. Please check your spam folder and if you still do not find it, please contact us.

Please put in information about the specific program (like KPA) if you are interested in a specific cause in the donation notes. Note that the DNA board has the ultimate right to use your funds for the right charitable cause.

Yes and in fact we’d like for you to do so because it increases the impact of your donation!
“Company Donation Match” depends on the organization that you work for. Some allow for all non-profits, some only selective. If you want to apply for DNA to become one of the Company Match recipient and need more information to do that, please contact us

PayPal allows for a monthly donation option, so you can choose monthly when paying via Paypal. Also, we are working with Facebook donations and will have it available soon.